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Netflix Sued For Defamation By ‘Making A Murderer’ Detective


A detective who was featured in the Netflix documentary series “Making A Murderer” has sued the streaming service for defamation.

He claims the series subjected him to worldwide ridicule, contempt, and disdain.

We’re talking about Manitowoc County Sheriff’s police officer Andrew Colborn who is claiming it was suggested he planted evidence to frame Steven Avery for murder, which has now, according to him, damaged his reputation.

His attorney Michael Griesbach said the following in a press release:
“His reputation and that of Manitowoc County, itself, has been severely and unjustly defamed. He is filing this lawsuit to set the record straight and to restore his good name.”

According to Variety, the suit says that the filmmakers distorted events and omitted key facts, used as part of the argument that Colborn and other detectives had framed Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey for murder.

It also says the filmmakers went well beyond merely expressing an opinion when it came to the case and that they manipulated trial testimony in order to bring viewers to a different conclusion.

Have you seen the show? Let us know and express your thoughts about the statements±

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Glenn van den Bosch