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According To Daniel Radcliffe A “Harry Potter” Reboot Could Happen


In a recent interview with IGN, Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe revealed that he is sure the Harry Potter movie franchise is going to stay alive for a long time and a reboot is even very likely:

“I’m sure there will be some other version of it.
I know I’m not the last Harry Potter I’m gonna see in my lifetime.

It will be interesting to see how long those films stay.
It feels like there’s a sacredness around them at the moment, but that’ll go, the shine will wear off at some point. It’ll be interesting if they reboot them and just do the films again or do a series. I’m fascinated to watch.”

A stage adaptation of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is already coming and according to IGN, it already features two different people in the role of Harry Potter.

How would you feel to see someone else in the role of Harry Potter? Let us know on social media!

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Glenn van den Bosch